

Spot of Heath

Spot of Heath

Monday, August 11, 2014


Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

For some people, asthma is a minor nuisance. For others, it can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life-threatening asthma attack.

Asthma can not be cured, but its symptoms can be controlled. Because asthma often changes over time, it's important that you work with your doctor to track your signs and symptoms and adjust treatment as needed

It affects people of all ages and often starts in childhood, although it can also appear for the first time in adults.
There's currently no cure for asthma, but there are simple treatments that can help keep the symptoms under control so it does not have a significant impact on your life.
Some people, particularly children, may eventually grow out of asthma. But for others it's a lifelong condition.



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