

Spot of Heath

Spot of Heath

Saturday, August 23, 2014

When will my infant begin to talk?

When will my infant begin to talk?                               Home
Your infant will start to babble at around 4 months old. He will start to talk when he is about 9 months old. He learns to talk by copying the words and sounds he hears. He will learn what words mean by watching others point to what they talk about. Your infant should be able to speak a few simple words by 12 months. He will begin to say short words, such as mama and dada. He will understand the meaning of simple words and commands by 9 to 12 months. He will also know what some objects are by their name, such as ball or cup.
Don't get too excited just yet though, as she probably doesn't connect the sounds "mama" and "dada" with mum and dad at this age. They are just a couple of the many sounds she's trying out as she finds her voice. 

You can help your little one at this early stage by talking to her clearly and often. The conversations may seem one-way at first but your baby will soon catch up and gurgle or laugh and smile in response. 


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