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Spot of Heath

Spot of Heath

Friday, April 7, 2017

How to Train Your Brain ?

How to Train Your Brain?      

   We do not just lose muscle over time - our brains can atrophy, too. More specifically, your brain's cognitive reserve - its ability to withstand neurological damage due to aging and other factors without showing visible signs of slowing or memory loss - diminishes through the years. That can make it more difficult to perform mental tasks. But just as weight workouts add lean muscle to your body and help you retain more muscle in your later years, researchers now believe that following a brain-healthy lifestyle and performing regular, targeted brain exercises can also increase your brain's cognitive reserve.

1. maintaining brain fitness: Brain Exercise (like DS games do), physical Exercise, Proper Nutrition, and Stress Management.
2. Nutrition: While most "brain supplements" or "brain vitamins"
3. manage your stress
4. Physical Exercise
5. Brain Exercise: reading 20 minutes every night
6. Eat a good breakfast
7. Laugh
8. Staying centered throughout the day will help keep you from being derailed by negative energy that tries to consume your  confident, positive attitude.
9. There are always things that may come up when you are staying  active and focused on positively completing your day, but that's  where the other exercises like staying centered are extremely going to help you stay positive throughout.
10. Create word pictures. Visualize the spelling of a word in your   head, then try and think of any other words that begin (or end)   with the same two letters.
11. Draw a map from memory. After returning home from visiting a new place, try to draw a map of the area; Repeat this exercise    each time you visit a new location.

Read also:
- Brain 
- Top food that can strengthen your memory & Free Brain Training

- https://www.powerofpositivity.com/7-tips-how-to-train-your-brain-to-stay-positive/
- http://www.everydayhealth.com/longevity/mental-fitness/brain-exercises-for-memory.aspx
- http://www.wikihow.com/Train-Your-Brain-for-Free