

Spot of Heath

Spot of Heath

Monday, August 11, 2014


Addison's disease:

-      Hyposecration of adernocortical hormones.
-          Caused by autoimmune destruction of the cortex or by idiopathic atrophy may be seen in clients with AIDS and TB and histoplasmosis.
-          Addisonain crisis (acute adrenal insufficiency) can be precipitated by stresses such as pregnancy, surgery, infection, dehydration.

x Clinical Manifestations:
  1. Weakness.
  2. anorexia
  3. Fatigue
  4. Dark pigmentation of the mucous & skin especially knee & elbows.
  5. Hypotension.
  6. Emaciation.
  7. Increased glucose and potassium, decreased sodium.
  8. Vomiting.
  9. Diarrhea

x Therapeutic Intervention:
  1. Administering Fluids and corticosteroids
  2. Monitoring vital signs.
  3. Placing the patient in a recumbent position with the legs elevated.
  4. Hydrocortisone is administered intravenously followed by 5% dextrose in normal saline.
  5. High carbohydrate, high protein diet.
  6. Prevention of osteoporosis.
  7. Correction of fluid, electrolyte, and glucose imbalances.

x Diet:

# Carbohydrate          # Protein             $ Potassium 


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