

Spot of Heath

Spot of Heath

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Acute Pancreatitis

-Inflammation of pancreas caused by autodigestion by pancreatic enzymes, primarily trypsin.

x Causes:
  1. Gallstones
  2. Alcoholism
  3. carcinoma
  4. acute trauma to the pancreas or abdomen
  5. hyperlipidema
  6. Inflammation with or without edema of pancreatic tissues. Suppuration. Abscess formation. Hemorrhage. Necrosis or duct obstruction.

x Clinical Manifestations:
  1. Abrupt onset of aching, burning, stabbing or pressing central pigastric pain that may radiate to shoulder, chest, and back.
  2. abdominal tenderness
  3. Nausea
  4. Vomiting
  5. Wight loss
  6. Fever
  7. Pruritus associated with jaundice
  8. Shallows respiration
  9. Hypotension
  10. Shock, Tachycardia
  11. Jaundice
  12. $ Ca
  13. Ecchymosis (bruising) in the flunk or around the umbilicus
  14.  # amylase and lipase
  15. Hyperglycemia

x Therapeutic Intervention: 
  1. Neutralize gastric secretions
  2. Opioids to control pain
  3. bed rest to decrease metabolic demands and promote healing
  4. Nasogastric suction to relive nausea and vomiting and decrease painful abdominal distension and paralytic ileus and remove gastric hydrochloric acid
  5. Anticholinergics
  6. Antibiotics
  7. Nothing by mouth, parenteral administration of fluids and electrolytes
  8. $ fat and $ Proteins Diet
  9. Surgical interventions
  10. Semi fowlers positions and encourage deep breathing and coughing

x Diet:
     $ Fat       $ Proteins


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