

Spot of Heath

Spot of Heath

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Did you know that you kill yourself by drinking soft drinks !!

Did you know that you kill yourself by drinking soft drinks?

- the one canister containing the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar is sufficient to destroy the vitamin B deficiency, which leads to poor digestion and poor infrastructure and neurological disorders, headaches, insomnia, depression and muscle spasms.

- Also contain carbon dioxide, which leads to depriving the stomach from salivary yeasts important in the digestion process and that when ingested with food or after and lead to the abolition of the role of digestive enzymes secreted by the stomach and thus to obstruct the process of digestion and lack of access to food.

- Contain caffeine, which leads to increased heart rate and high blood pressure, diabetes and increased acidity in your stomach and increase the hormones in the blood, which may cause infections and ulcers of the stomach and duodenum is also working on a fold pressure valve lower esophagus, which in turn leads to reflux of food and acid from the stomach into the esophagus, causing pain and inflammation.
- Also contain phosphorous acids lead to bone fragility and weakness, especially in adolescence, making it more susceptible to breakage.

- Contain phosphoric acid and malic Rponik that cause erosion of the protective enamel layer of the teeth.

- Diet of them contain artificial sweeteners that threaten the brain and lead to memory loss and progressive fibrosis of the liver injury. - Rate of acidity in soft drinks, for example, Soft drink product = 4 and 3, this degree of acidity sufficient to melt the teeth and bones with the passage of time. Our bodies stop building bone after thirty, and then begin degradation 8-18% annually, according to the amount of acids that we consume in our food. (The ratio of these acids does not depend on the taste of our food, but depends on the proportion of each of potassium, chlorine, manganese, and other minerals to phosphorous).

- Dissolved calcium accumulates in the veins, skin cells, vital organs, which affects kidney function and cause gallstone college.

- Soft drinks do not provide any benefit to the body of food, but contain more sugar and acids as well as for preservatives and colorful.

In a meta-analysis of 88 studies, we examined the association between soft drink consumption and nutrition and health outcomes. We found clear associations of soft drink intake with increased energy intake and body weight. Soft drink intake also was associated with lower intakes of milk, calcium, and other nutrients and with an increased risk of several medical problems (e.g., diabetes).
Study design significantly influenced results: larger effect sizes were observed in studies with stronger methods (longitudinal and experimental vs cross-sectional studies). Several other factors also moderated effect sizes (e.g., gender, age, beverage type). Finally, studies funded by the food industry reported significantly smaller effects than did non–industry-funded studies. Recommendations to reduce population soft drink consumption are strongly supported by the available science.

Other studies:
The results of animal experiments announced at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases has lent credence to the belief that sugary soft drinks play a role in the development of liver disease.
The effect of sugar-sweetened water was tested on the livers of mice. Another group was fed artificially sweetened water as a comparison.
Examination of the livers of the mice showed an increased incidence of fatty liver disease, especially among mice who were given the type of sugar called fructose.

High fructose consumption may be directly toxic to the liver, as well as causing damage through over-feeding.


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